BRAIN'S Full Potential
WITH 40 years of zen
Get a digitized 19-channel qEEG brain map during the global exchange summit at the 40 Years of Zen Booth
Get a digitized 19-channel qEEG brain map during the global exchange summit at the 40 Years of Zen Booth
What is a qEEG Brain Map? A qEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) is a powerful diagnostic tool that measures your brain’s electrical activity. This advanced technology provides a detailed map of your brain, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for cognitive optimization. It's not just about tracking brainwaves—it’s about unlocking your brain’s peak potential. Normally priced at $1,500, we’re offering this at an exclusive rate of $699 for summit attendees only.

What’s included:
Digitized 19-channel qEEG
brain map
brain map

Full one-hour review with our neuroscience program manager scheduled within 10 days of conference

A 15-page report with summary and personalized recommendations to optimize your brain

Digitized 19-channel qEEG
brain map

Full one-hour review with our neuroscience program manager scheduled within 10 days of conference

A 15-page report with summary and personalized recommendations to optimize your brain

What you
can expect
during your
on-site session:
Your brain mapping session will take approximately 30 minutes. This will include our neurotechnician performing the brain scan with our research grade 19-channel dry electrode headset. Once your scan is complete, our technician will discuss the next steps in receiving your report from our neuroscience program manager and answer any questions you may have.

Assess Your Brain Function in real-time
The qEEG brain map offered by 40 Years of Zen is an advanced neurofeedback technique that assesses brain function by analyzing brainwave activity through electrodes placed on the scalp. This map identifies neurological strengths and areas for improvement, allowing experts to create personalized protocols to enhance mental clarity, emotional intelligence, and focus. By measuring brainwave signals in real-time, qEEG helps individuals understand how different regions of their brain are functioning and provides the foundation for optimizing cognitive and emotional performance

Here's what you'll learn
The qEEG brain map offered by 40 Years of Zen is an advanced neurofeedback technique that assesses brain function by analyzing brainwave activity through electrodes placed on the scalp. This map identifies neurological strengths and areas for improvement, allowing experts to create personalized protocols to enhance mental clarity, emotional intelligence, and focus. By measuring brainwave signals in real-time, qEEG helps individuals understand how different regions of their brain are functioning and provides the foundation for optimizing cognitive and emotional performance

What is
40 years of zen?
40 Years of Zen is an exclusive, five-day neurofeedback program that gives you the brain benefits of decades of Zen meditation. Designed for CEOs, health practitioners, and leaders, the program helps you unlock peak performance, enhance mental clarity, and optimize emotional well-being.
Increased personal resilience
Enhanced capacity in handling life’s stressors
Improved decision making under pressure
Enhanced mental clarity
Enhanced cognition
Enhanced capacity in handling life’s stressors
Improved decision making under pressure
Enhanced mental clarity
Enhanced cognition

SEE WHAT leaders say
What I got out of it was “freedom.” The thing that truly made this the most powerful personal growth experience I've ever had was the sense of liberation I felt at the end of it. I had cleaned myself of so many grudges I had held onto for years. I was able to let go of painful memories I had forgotten I even had. And I finally released the charges against people who I believed wronged me in my life. Nothing I've Studied In Meditation Comes Close To This. My Practice Has NEVER Evolved That Fast In Such A Short Amount Of Time. Bigger gains in faster time than any other form of meditation Today, I have never felt more at peace with myself.

Vishen Lakhiani
Founder of Mindvalley & author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
For me this is like the X-men headquarters. It feels amazing here - with a superhero team. 40 Years of Zen will help you download decades of mindful state training into mere days. The program has improved the fitness and fluency of my brain wave states for enhanced calmness, clarity, concentration and creativity. Thank you to the entire 40 Years Team for their talent, time and thoughtfulness.

Jim Kwik
Celebrity Brain Trainer and Memory Expert, CEO of Kwik Learning
Your Future
Secure Your Spot at
40 years of zen
Standard Program : $16,000

Special Offer: $13,000
With Full Payment On-Site

Special Offer:
With $5,000 Deposit On-Site

Try Psychedelic Assisted Neurofeedback™
Psychedelic-Assisted Neurofeedback™ with ketamine
can help support your neurofeedback training through facilitating openness and acceptance. Ketamine also activates neuroplasticity in your brain, helping you to create new thinking patterns.
Standard Program with Ketamine Assisted Therapy
: $22,000

Special Offer:
With Full Payment On-Site

Special Offer:
With $5,000 Deposit On-Site

Their Stories, Your Future

your brain?
Imagine if you remained where you are — stuck in the same patterns, feeling unfulfilled, and not reaching your full potential? Now imagine if you could break free from these constraints. The skills, insights, and advancements you’d gain wouldn’t just be for today or tomorrow; but lifelong assets that continuously contribute to your personal and professional success.
At 40 Years of Zen, you will elevate your cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and overall quality of life. Isn’t it time you invested in a future where you’re at your best, most creative, deeply connected self?
Activities are carefully structured to build daily upon progress.
8:30 am

Arrive at the venue and begin your day with a bulletproof coffee and nootropic supplement stack.
9:00 am to 9:30 am

Individualized 19-Electrode 3D Neurofeedback Training, aimed at improving cognitive efficiency.
9:45 am to 10:30 am

Group facilitation and teaching to set intentions for the upcoming POD session.
10:45 am to 12:15 pm

Facilitated POD neurofeedback training focused on shifting and upgrading behavioral patterns.
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Group integration to discuss POD session.
1:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Enjoy a nourishing lunch prepared by an in-house chef, designed to fuel both body and mind.
1:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Continue with brain training and facilitation, as well as explore the Biohack Suite, equipped with the latest biohacking devices and gadgets.
6:00 pm